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A Review of New Things I've Tried #44 (Non-Perishable Pantry Goods Edition)

Here we go again! I haven't been as good about sharing my reviews with you lately, so this includes things from quite a while ago as well as more recent stuff. I take the photos, but I lack motivation to edit them and write stuff up a lot of the time. I dug deep and found some motivation, though, so here we have an assortment of things I've tried from the non-perishable pantry goods category. Sauces, spreads, and other stuff are all here. Let me know if you've had these things, too! 1. KC Masterpiece Barbecue Sauce Americans have a somewhat justifiable reputation for non-adventurous palates historically. The dominant flavor in KC Masterpiece is sweetness, primarily from tomatoes and molasses. I wouldn't say it's my favorite barbecue sauce, but it won't overpower things if you want a quick side of barbecued soy curls to round out the protein in a meal truly focused on grains and veggies (which is my tendency anyway). I'd buy it again if (as was the case this

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