Laptop Lunches #34

All the pictures I took of this are slightly blurry. I am sick. Not just under the weather. Sick. No interest in food. But protein is supposed to minimize the muscle soreness that comes along with such virusus, and citrus is supposed to be helpful, and such, and so I thought by making this at home I'd convince myself to eat. I was only half-successful. It was better than not eating at all, so maybe it was successful? I don't know.

Grapefruit chunks sprinkled with sugar; an egg stuffed with a minced ham mix; leftover peppers, onions, and hardwood smoked chicken sausage (from before this thing attacked me); and celery sticks filled with radish butter.

Radish butter should be eaten spread on crackers, I think, despite the recipe instructions, and I'm not crazy about it anyway. It was a new recipe for me, and not a keeper. In any case, it had zero appeal to the queasy. I didn't manage much of the grapefruit, either. The egg was easy enough, and I managed all of the leftovers.

I guess I am saying there are some things that even careful arrangment of foods to make them look pretty cannnot overcome. Though, now that I see it again, radish butter looks pretty vile, so maybe that's part of the trouble. If I were thinking clearly I'd have realized there is far too much pink in this lunch.

This is probably the only lunch you'll see this week. Tomorrow I may (or may not) post about some home remedies that I found particularly helpful this week.

Stay healthy!


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