What I Ate in a Day #12

The evening light makes these posts easier to do, so here's another full day of eating for you! This was during a week I didn't manage to do very much food prep over the weekend and it was not one of my grocery store weeks, either, so I was just pulling together what I had, but I think it turned out pretty well, if somewhat redundant: pineapple came with every meal.

But if you could have delicious pineapple with every meal when it's in season, why wouldn't you?

Breakfast was this avocado toast with sliced cucumber and a bit of tomato I still had hanging around and an arugula smoothie with ginger and pineapple (recipe from Moon and Spoon and Yum). The smoothie had a great complexity of flavors and I absolutely loved it. Avocado toast is avocado toast and I always love that; I was definitely winning at breakfast.

For lunch, I had some cinnamon granola with non-dairy white chocolate chips, pineapple chunks, and some coconut yogurt. The yogurt needed sweet things to counteract its tartness; this worked out fine. Nothing spectacular but it got the job done.

Dinner was leftover spicy pineapple tofu and leftover Asian-style cucumber salad over rice. The pineapple tofu recipe is from Best of Vegan. I probably wouldn't make it again, but it was tasty (just not tasty enough to warrant the effort I expended). I had made a full recipe so I got four meals out of the tofu, though, and it was great that I had it for the nights I could only manage to pull leftovers together.

After dinner, as per usual (not pictured), I had a multivitamin and an algae-based DHA supplement.

Dessert was a jammy tea biscuit sandwich (orange flavored tea biscuits with strawberry preserves) and a dark chocolate filled with coconut. Not pictured, there was also herbal tea.

Eat well out there, everyone!


  1. Such excellent use of pineapple!

  2. Spicy Pineapple Tofu sounds like it would hit the spot right about now! YUMMERZ! (Jennifer, again)


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