Dinner Plate #14


Here we have a Tofurky/tomato/cucumber sandwich with mayo on multigrain seedy bread with a bowl of carrot potato soup (recipe from I Heart Vegetables).

This was delicious! You didn't see this soup fresh, because I made it for dinner one night and it was too dark for photography, but it was still pretty as leftovers. I used to love potato soup growing up and my mother made it at least once a month, being a cheap and relatively easy meal we'd all eat. When we had potato soup, though, that's all we had, alongside saltines, and she'd melt hunks of Velveeta in it for protein and fat to make it more filling. I think I like it better with a sandwich, though this did bring back memories anyway.

Adding carrots makes it a little less one-dimensional, but it still had all the notes of a good potato soup--creamy and starchy, the kind of thing that keeps one warm.


  1. I love a potato soup. What is it about soup and sandwiches that is just so satisfying? I miss Tofurky so much, I look forward to eating a lot of it when I am in the US next year.


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