Insulated Jar & Sides #21

Red velvet herbal tea, a little cup of soy creamer, oatmeal topped with peanut butter and strawberry jam, and applesauce.

This morning I was running very late. There wasn't time for me to have a different breakfast and lunch, so I just doubled up on my breakfast. I did do something different with the oatmeal I had for breakfast, though--it was sprinkled with slivered almonds and dried cranberries.

The jar kept the oatmeal hot even though I forgot to warm it first, and the peanut butter and jelly had melted into it beautifully.

One reason I used soy creamer is that any kind of dairy will curdle in this tea. I have recently fallen in love with soy creamer--I can even put it in citrus teas! And I do like creamy things.

This may not be attractive, but it kept me to my budget and is reasonably healthy. I just had to have extra veggies with dinner.


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