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Small Bowl #9

  I have had a can of pumpkin on my pantry utilization list for a while. It's been hard to come to terms with the reality that canned pumpkin, despite being versatile and delicious, is not a staple food for me. But I have been intending to try a recipe for pumpkin pot pie from Ugly Vegan Kitchen  for ages, and spring is here and thus so is the writing on the wall for oven weather. I also had some biscuits in my freezer. It was perfect. This pot pie starts with soy curls, always a favorite. One makes this delicious "filling" and then tops it with pre-baked biscuits. It's a bit more like tofu a la king, perhaps, than a pot pie. But it was really lovely. I originally planned to have salad with this, but I was both tired and lacking in appetite, so this is as far as I got. I had no fresh parsley, so there is no pretty green garnish. This is a beige and orange meal. But it hit the high points, and I was glad to have it.

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