Monbento Square #21 (Double Tier)

Salad of red and green leaf lettuce, cucumbers, red onion, a cut up Boca chick'n patty, Bac'n bits, garlic croutons, some creamy dill dressing, and a sesame seed-coated daifuku mochi.

I had other plans for this week but am in the midst of a flare of geographic tongue. At this point I could handle cold foods with minimal salt and very minimal spices, so salad it was (a significant improvement over endless smoothies and such, but not that satisfying on a cold day). But I discovered, quite accidentally, that daifuku mochi--a glutinous rice cake stuffed with sweet filling (in this case, azuki beans)--is kind of perfect for geographic tongue. It's soft, cold, and sweet, but you still get at least some good protein sources from the bean filling. I bought this one from my most recent all-too-rare trek to H-Mart, but I want to learn to make them at home now, so I'll be ready for my next flare.

Though I doubt anyone has noticed but me, the numbering of my Monbento Square boxes got a little off, so I corrected it. (Just mentioning that in case anybody did notice except me.)


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your flare; it sounds like the mochi was a perfectly-timed discovery!

    1. It really was! I hope I can learn to make them; they seem a bit pricey to buy ready made.

  2. Mochi is really good, I am glad you were able to find something satisfying that you could enjoy during a rough time.
    I would also like to try making them myself some time, I have a couple of recipes, just need to actually do it.

    1. I'm realizing I'd have to probably go back to H-Mart for the sweet rice flour so it may take me a while. Sigh.


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