Thermos 3-Tier Bento #47

Margarine (I Can't Believe It's Not Butter's vegan spread), a ready-to-assemble knife, some mini peanut butter cups, cornbread muffins, and homemade chili.

Silicone baran covers a multitude of sins and keeps your chocolate out of your butter.

I wouldn't normally have such a high cornbread-to-chili ratio, but that's what I had on this day. The chili turned out really well! It needed a bit more spice but that's my fault because I was afraid to put in the cayenne. I should have just done it. But the beefless crumbles made for some good chili, even though I didn't have any bell pepper to put in it. Chili is a great cold weather food; I should be making more of it.

If you're wondering about my knife but no spoon, there is a spoon that attaches to the outside of the Thermos, and no place to put a knife if you want to spread something on your bread. But I do love how it keeps the hot and not hot at the right temperatures at the same time. It is a tiny bit leaky, but that is probably because I dropped it in the street a few times. (Not on this day, just in general.)


  1. It keeps some compartments hot and others cold? That is some fancy high tech thermosing!
    Hurrah for peanut butter cups, they caught my eye immediately of course because I love them.

    1. It keeps some things hot and others not hot, but I wouldn't say that anything is kept cold if some things are hot! More like room temperature. The key is that your butter and chocolate won't melt.

  2. I haven't had cornbread and chili in a while; you're definitely right that chili is perfect for this weather!


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