Sequestration Meal #578


I set forth on my own here, and though this isn't exactly pretty, it was good! I have here a Mexican-style tater tot casserole (similar to my taco casserole, but with tater tots instead of chips), a quesadilla (simple filling of onions and Daiya cheddar) and some Tofutti sour cream.

It was a toaster oven casserole; alas, the oven season may finally really be over. But good things will come of hot weather, I keep telling myself. Fingers crossed for good stone fruits this year!


  1. Stone fruits are the only good thing about the hot weather. I look forward to eating as many of them as I can while I can.

    1. Fortunately, it cooled off here and we're now having a pretty nice spring. Oddly I have not been able to get rhubarb and even though we should start seeing apricots and cherries, they haven't made it to my market yet, either. But every time it gets hot, I remind myself that those things are coming. It helps. I hope you've had a great stone fruit season!


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