Sequestration Meal #586


It had been a while since I'd made my Chinese-inspired saucy beans and rice, and I was busy with a project that meant I couldn't spend much time cooking, so here we are! With the beans and rice, I had some steamed broccoli with miso carrot sauce (that sauce is the gift that keeps on giving!) and some halved cherry tomatoes with salt and pepper.

I am ready for some summer produce, even if I'm not ready for the heat that comes with it. But before the really good big tomatoes come, these greenhouse-grown cherry tomatoes are filling a craving. Tomatoes are pricey. A 12-ounce pack of these cherry tomatoes on the vine is over $5 at my local market. That's one reason I've not been buying cherry or grape tomatoes for a while. But I guess this is how I'm emerging from winter: Rebelliously eating tomatoes.

There are worse things.


  1. Yesssssssssss summer produce, I'm ready for it! I've been craving stone fruit for a while now. I had my first peaches and they were ok but I know they'll be better in a couple of weeks.

    This meal looks great, the saucier the better! I always forget about carrot miso sauce for dressings, I should make some! So refreshing for a summer salad!

    1. We don't have peaches yet, but I am enjoying apricots!

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry your comment got sent to moderation! Thanks. I did enjoy it.


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