Sequestration Meal #511


I'm trying (again) to get a handle on my tendency to accumulate food faster than I eat it. I do pretty well, but that's only because I occasionally skip the grocery store and power through on what's on hand. I'm most likely to do that in this season, when people are grocery shopping more for holidays and I want to avoid crowds. And I've bought my yearly roasts/hams/what-have-you and really should just hunker down and clear out the freezer. I'm not sure I'll ever be as balanced with this sort of thing as I'd like to be, but I'm working on it.

So what we have here is a direct result of me forcing myself into creative-approach mode by skipping the store, and using what's around. I had some penne and a bit of vegan cheese sauce I'd made, so that was an easy anchor for the meal. Alongside that I had some onions, mushrooms, and spinach I cooked up in some vegan butter and some Wegmans Don't Be Chicken nuggets with spicy sriracha ketchup.

It's a good meal! Hardly worth showing you, even, but I'm doing it anyway. With my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek when I say this, I've got a reputation for unappealing veganism to keep up.


  1. I have been really doing my best to work through to random accumulated food I have. I somehow had three tins of banana blossoms and I don't even really care about banana blossoms but yesterday I made a recipe that used up the final tin, so go me! Note to self: Do not need to accumulate any more banana blossoms!

    1. I wouldn't even know where to start trying to buy a banana blossom, meanwhile...


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