Sequestration Meal #517


Although the definition of eternity may be one person and a cabbage, I think I'm doing pretty well with both avoiding the store and keeping things interesting. Here, I have homemade coleslaw, the end of a bag of Wegmans Don't Be Chicken nuggets, an improvisational dipping sauce roughly based on Chick-fil-a sauce, and a biscuit I took out of my freezer and warmed with my nuggets.

I've never been a coleslaw person, but I'm experimenting, and I actually liked this one! I shredded the cabbage extremely finely using the Japanese method (which separates small piles of leaves rather than slicing through a quarter cabbage at a time) and added a mixture of salt plus a little sugar to the cabbage and carrots and let that sit while I made the mayo-based dressing (Vegenaise, dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, sugar, and pepper). I patted the cabbage and carrots dry and tossed them with the dressing. Though I probably wouldn't make this to eat on its own that much, I think it would be great as a part of something larger, like an Asian-style rice-and-sides meal or in a sandwich or a wrap. It's a great thing to make peace with coleslaw because cabbage is super cheap and seasonal right now.

This was a remarkable meal and I'm really proud of myself for doing as well as I have with clearing the decks. I have a hard time holding steady when it comes to groceries after the traumas of isolation and supply chain disruptions and shortages, plus the ever-escalating cost of things. But sometimes I manage to push through my fears and just make something out of what I have.


  1. A whole cabbage really is just the gift that keeps on giving! I tend to shred my cabbage in the food processor (on the wide hole setting, the small hole setting turns it into complete mush) because I find that otherwise raw cabbage hurts my tummy a bit if it is not in very little bits.

    1. I just have a mini chopper and not a proper food processor, but I think it's probably a purchase I should consider. Raw cabbage isn't always my friend in that way, either, but in small doses I haven't experienced discomfort.

  2. the coleslaw and biscuit look great and i love both. Are the biscuits homemade? if so do you mind sharing the recipe?

    1. This biscuit isn't homemade, but I do have a biscuit recipe if you want to try one:

    2. thanks! i'm looking forward to trying it


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