Skater Lunchbox #27

An attempt at a hash (Trader Joe's soy chorizo and frozen hash browns O'Brien), a VeganEgg scramble (I'll explain that below), more of that garlic spinach/tomato/mushroom saute you saw earlier in the week (it's a super versatile veggie side), and toast squares.

The VeganEgg (made by Follow Your Heart) promises to re-create scrambled eggs in ways a tofu scramble never can. This is partly true. But it has little flavor and unlike tofu is hard to get to become flavored, and it also has a weird rubbery texture, almost like extremely overcooked scrambled eggs (I was warned not to undercook the VeganEgg, so maybe cooking it longer would have improved it, but I did cook it for about 10-15 minutes). I think this product works better in recipes where it doesn't have to stand alone. But if you are crazy about scrambled eggs, this may be something you'd want. I may stick to tofu.


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