Lunchopolis #78

A Tofurky and Violife cheddar sandwich, some squares of Wegmans brand dark chocolate (I think this was the kind with cinnamon glazed pecans, but I'm not sure now), original flavor Sunchips, sliced cucumber, and carrot sticks.

Although I know you probably wouldn't read this blog if you got this very typical American packed lunch every day, it's worth reminding myself, by showing it to you, that sometimes, this really is good enough. On this day, it was good enough. I ate protein and veggies and grains and a sweet treat and I got through my day.


  1. nothing wrong with "good enough" especially when one is struggling to even do that. more power to you for making the effort and tending yourself - two thumbs up.

    1. Thanks for your comment! If you're new here I hope you stick around for my non-sandwich-based lunches. :)

  2. This looks pretty awesome to me!

    1. Thanks! It is a pretty great meal, just not one you need to see in a blog post regularly. But it's also good to know that something so "normal" to Americans can also be vegan. (If only the Garden Salsa Sunchips were vegan...but the original flavor is good, at least.)

  3. Simple lunches are always good enough in my book!


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