Thermos 3-Tier Bento #51

Applesauce with cinnamon, garlic toast, and what started as too-thick potato-corn chowder that I think I thinned a bit too much (but it was still really good).

I cut this recipe from It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken in half for the chowder. It was really good, though I think next time I'd put in more corn--this seemed like a potato chowder with a bit of corn in it. I garnished the soup with chives, because I was taking care of a neighbor's plants and she said I should harvest the herbs when I wanted. I didn't really end up eating that many herbs while plant sitting but the chives were a really nice touch for this soup.

I miss having herbs in my window. I have ordered some seeds, on the theory that trying to plant something might not be a terrible sequestration project.

This was the last lunch I packed before entering sequestration (see Monday's post for details). But I do have a post I had prepared from before this to share with you tomorrow--a recipe for strawberry-banana baked oatmeal that I really like--and after that, a (more or less) daily sequestration special.


  1. The potato corn chowder sounds delicious! And good luck with your seeds, what kind(s) did you order?

    1. It's a window herb garden kit. My main interests were dill, cilantro, parsley, chives, and basil, but it does have a few others. I don't know how successful it will be, but it's worth trying.

  2. That looks so wonderful and comforting. Unfortunately all my herbs are dead, so I can't rely on a handy herb garden to garnish my meals at home. Black thumb strikes again!

    1. I have no idea how this will go because I'm not usually very successful at getting things to grow from seeds other than maybe chives and basil. But it can't hurt having things to tend for now!


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