Monbento Square #45 (Double Tier)


If you've followed the news the past week or so, you might know I have spent many days under a particularly noxious cloud of smoke that blew over me from Canada. It turned the skies orange and hazy, and I felt like I was on the surface of Mars. I was too stressed out to do any grocery shopping, so the next few meals you'll see reflect what I prepared while hiding from the world and making do with what I had.

I had a clementine, leftover barley and lentil salad, and a "PLT," i.e., a pea, lettuce, and tomato sandwich (recipe from Forks Over Knives). It was pretty good! The sandwich has a spread made from thawed frozen peas, fresh basil from my window, almond butter, and seasonings. You put that on whole grain toast with Dijon mustard, lettuce, and tomato.

I ate this in my car, surveying the hazy world around me and pondering what we all take for granted. I thought I didn't take safe air for granted after COVID hit, but now I really appreciate safe air. Fingers crossed that the fires will be controlled and the smoke will get rained on or something. I don't fully understand what meteorologists were saying, but rain was supposed to help.


  1. I can't believe how bad it has been and how far the smoke has gone! I hope that you're feeling ok with the air quality. I love the monbento boxes, I really should replace mine or see if my mom will send it to me lol. The sandwich sounds good, kind of like a pesto!

    1. It's a very pea-forward sandwich, but the flavors go well together! Right now, especially because the wind changed direction and we had heavy rains, the air quality is good. But psychologically it was very hard, and in some respects, still is. I take it one day at a time.


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