Sequestration Meal #594


While I was hiding from the smoke, I found some scallion pockets in my freezer. I do not know when I bought them, and they seemed a bit freezer burned, but I decided to cook one. One can't live by scallion pockets alone, of course, but it gave me a direction to go in, so I committed to an Asian-inspired meal. 

Next, I didn't really have a lot of green veggies around, but I had some broccoli stems, so I made a salad I'd found a recipe for at All Day I Dream about Food. It seemed fun, because it was based on spiralized broccoli. I don't usually like raw broccoli, but this salad, with its spicy sesame ginger dressing, was great!

I'm telling you this in a haphazard way because this was a haphazard meal. The rest of this was some Calrose rice, vegan bulgogi strips with scallions, pepper and onion stir fry with sesame seeds, and "Asian carrots" from a recipe at Not pictured, I made a dipping sauce from soy sauce, sesame oil, mirin, and sriracha for the scallion pocket.

This meal was a reminder of why it is sometimes good to avoid the store. I have reasons for not doing it very often, and for not doing it deliberately to save money or what-have-you--I'll just buy far less, but still go to the store, when I'm doing more typical deck-clearing or "low spend" weeks, or whatever you call it. But there is plenty of good stuff, usually, and I probably wouldn't have found and eaten that scallion pocket without the shelter-in-place thing I had to do.

I wonder if future generations will ever take uncontaminated air for granted the way I did, before COVID? I guess time will tell.


  1. Ugh it's so crazy! Hopefully it will cler up sooner rather than later. This meal looks amazing! Scallion pancakes are one of my favs so I bet I would love those! I wonder if there are gluten free scallion pancakes out there 🥺 stay safe!

    1. Scallion pockets are a bit different than scallion pancakes, but are kind of similar, I guess? What makes scallion pancakes so good is all the layers, kind of like a pastry, so probably it could be gluten free. Scallion pockets are a scallion filling inside a bready pocket, and I imagine those could be, too.

      Kikkoman has a recipe for gluten free scallion pancakes:

    2. While having pantry and freezer items on hand is awesome, it is the creative cook who transforms them into something delicious and nourishing. I’m quite far from you, yet the smoke was enough to hurt my dad’s lungs to the point of needing his inhaler close and to mostly stay indoors, and the sky was blue here. Continue to take the best care of yourself that you can. Please remember to change the cabin air filter in your car as soon as the air clears in your region.

    3. It’s VanessaKC

    4. Hi there! Thanks for your encouragement. The air is predicted to be intermittently foul for the entire summer, so I am just monitoring air quality and trying to figure out how to adjust to yet another "new normal."

  2. Hello, just catching up on a month of blog posts from everyone. I hope the air is better there now? I remember seeing it on the news and seeing my friends on IG posting photos of it, it looked awful.

    1. Hey, I hope you're okay! The air is much better. We have had a few rounds of bad air but nothing like the mid-June stuff was.


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