10 Vegan Breakfast Ideas (Compilation #63)

Summer. Ugh. I will feel so much better when it ends. But in the meantime, you know what we have? An abundance of fresh fruits and veggies! So while I bide my time and try to endure until fall, I'm trying to grab all that deliciousness. 

Apparently, in addition to fruits and veggies, I was craving oats. This is a compilation that uses a lot more oats than usual for me, so if you're into oats, this will be right up your alley! And if not, there are plenty of other things here, too.

1. English Muffins with Whipped Pea Ricotta and Tomato

I had some whipped pea ricotta leftover from this pasta recipe from the Curious Chickpea (the pasta is good, too, so make it!), and it made a great spread for a toasted English muffin. You can't see much of it because I topped that with slices of beefsteak tomato, garnished with flaky salt and fresh cracked pepper, but it contributed well to the flavors! This is not allergy-friendly if you're avoiding soy and/or nuts, and my English muffins have gluten. But if you aren't dealing with allergies, I highly recommend this as an option. I had this with a fruit salad and some herbal tea. Protein comes from the peas, tofu, and cashews in the spread, so I didn't need anything else.

2. Kiwi Lime Pie Overnight Oats

This started with inspiration from a recipe from Quaker Oats, but of course, I had to make it in the way I would prefer the textures, and, obviously, veganize it. I started by blending the oats with soy milk and I put that mixture in the bowl in the fridge to set. I also zested a lime and put the zest in a tiny container in the fridge and put half a lime's worth of juice in vanilla almond milk yogurt and put that mixture in a separate container in the fridge overnight. In the morning, I layered the yogurt over the oats, then topped that with chopped kiwi, crumbled graham cracker, a drizzle of agave, and the lime zest. This was amazing. If you're not put off by the texture of overnight oats, feel free to have it without blending, and if you have some thick Greek-style vegan yogurt, of course you can use that. I'm all for making things the way you like them.

3. Three-Grain "Overnight" Porridge with Blueberries (Gluten Free, Nut Free, Soy Free Option)

This was a recipe I found in America's Test Kitchen's Vegan for Everybody (2017). It directs you so boil water, then remove it from heat and add a mixture of quinoa, millet, and amaranth with a pinch of salt. You leave this overnight, then in the morning, add plant milk--they say oat, but I put in soy; you do you (though they say that the best flavor comes from oat milk)--and some seasonings, simmer for about 10 minutes or until softened and thick, and then stir in blueberries and maple syrup. I found that the soaking didn't result in soft enough grains to cook for just 10 minutes, so I had to simmer mine for at least double that, and it wasn't thick until the next day, so next time I would just cook it first, then put it in the fridge overnight. That said, it was great the next day! If you're not into oatmeal and you need an allergy-friendly porridge, this is it. I had it with some more fruit and oat butter and a pink pitaya moon milk (also made from soy). It was great!

One thing I liked about this, aside from using some of the random grains I have around here that really do need using up, is that you get layered proteins from the mixture of different grains, and although I did add in soy milk for the protein boost (and because it's what I tend to have around), I could still have a respectable amount of protein with just the porridge. (I am not a medical doctor; this is not medical advice.)

4. Overnight White Chocolate Raspberry Breakfast Cups (Gluten Free)

This is kind of a cross between overnight oats and a chia pudding (blended up, of course). I took the recipe from Lifestyle of a Foodie as my basic inspiration, using vegan ingredients and blending up the mix before adding the white chocolate on top. This was great on a hot morning when the mere thought of cooking made me feel ill.

5. Vegan Sausage and Egg McGriddles Sandwich

This may be one of my most inspired adventures in veganizing, and it's my own recipe. Have you tried it yet? For me, these little sandwiches make a great breakfast alongside some fruit and a cup of herbal tea.

6. Silken Tofu Orange Pudding with Berries (Gluten Free)

This recipe from Soya Eats is a new favorite of mine. It's a bit on the decadent side between the granulated sugar and the vegan butter in the mix, but it's tofu and I feel like it balances out. I added some whipped coconut cream and it was absolutely perfect.

7. Lemon Blueberry Poppy Seed Baked Oats (Gluten Free, Nut Free, Soy Free Option)

This is an easily-veganized recipe from Ambitious Kitchen. I just used Bob's Red Mill egg replacer for the egg, and instead of making the glaze (though you absolutely could!), I just served it with a dollop of non-dairy yogurt. It does need some sort of topping, though, because it's not as sweet as I'd like; you could also use maple syrup. I made it with soy milk, but you could use whatever strikes your fancy. One thing I liked about this was that it was banana-free--I love bananas, but they don't need to be in everything. If you avoid the oven, like me, in summer, you can do as I do and bake in a toaster oven if you cut the recipe in half and cook it in a small casserole dish.

8. Cashew Butter and Berry Syrup Topped Oatmeal Porridge (Gluten Free)

This is a very oatmeal-heavy compilation, but I guess I was in that sort of mood! Here we have oatmeal cooked in soy milk with sliced banana, cashew butter, and a homemade blackberry-blueberry syrup. (Berry syrups are so easy and so good on so many things.) It's pretty, nutritious, and delicious--you can't ask for more.

9. Tahini Tofu Scramble (Gluten Free, Nut Free)

Does the world need another tofu scramble? Well, yes, when there are tofu scrambles out there that really aren't pretending to be eggs, and therefore we can have all sorts of new adventures all the time. This is a recipe from Zen and Zaatar. The flavors are quite different than your usual tofu scramble. It was absolutely delicious! Tahini gives it an interesting texture, while lemon juice brightens it up in a way that made it utterly addictive to me. I used the tomatoes and spinach suggested, but I would happily add other veggies next time. I had the tofu scramble with some toaster-oven roasted potatoes and a slice of whole grain toast. If you need a gluten free meal, note that the scramble is (and is therefore labeled as such in this post), but you'll need to make sure you use gluten free bread if you also want toast.

10. Berry Citrus Poppy Seed Salad with Candied Almonds (Gluten Free, Soy Free)

Some salads just scream breakfast, which is why I made this one in the mornng! My recipe is available in an earlier post. To round out the meal, I had an English muffin and a soy latte.

I'm looking forward to fall, but the summer produce does make this season more bearable. What should I try next?


  1. I can firmly agree that I am ready for fall! Your breakfast ideas are amazing. I love making baked oatmeal, it's one of my fav meal preps for work. I always forget about English muffins. I should get some to keep in my freezer. Your mcgriddles are a work of art!!

    I love making breakfast crumbles with either baked fruit or chia jam with granola and yogurt. It mimics a crumble dessert but is appropriate for breakfast 😊

    1. Oh, yeah, crumbles are great for breakfast! Granola is a worthy shortcut, but I will also eat dessert for breakfast (alongside other things, of course). Lots of breakfasts are just as sweet, anyway!


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