Dinner Bowl #8


I know you may be thinking that this is a sign I'm not vegan anymore or something, but believe it or not, this is all vegan! It's a wild world out there, with faux hard boiled eggs that look very realistic. So. Here we have a pasta salad I made partially guided by a recipe and partially guided by my own ideas, tomato-cucumber salad, and a deviled "egg."

The egg is a product called "Wunder Eggs." I'll do a full review at some point, but suffice it to say for our purposes here, that this both did and did not do the trick. The "yolk" was fine, but the texture of the "white" seemed super odd to me. Still, it was fun to make, and I ate it.

I used protein pasta for the salad, and added some of a jar of roasted pepper bruschetta, some Miyoko's mozzarella, broccoli, and toasted almonds, chopped very finely. I really liked the way the almonds nestled into the crevices of the rotini. It was a good salad, and excellent in the summer (which I still resent--oven weather can't return soon enough for me).


  1. Okay, that is intriguing. I know one can make fake hard boiled eggs (although the ones I've seen have most frequently relied on gelatin for the "white" which also isn't vegan), but yes, getting the texture of white "right" - and getting it to stay "right" through transport - seems like it'd be a tricky endeavor.

    1. I think this one relies on agar agar. It's both realistic and not--I think it would do the trick chopped up in a potato salad, for example, but maybe not on its own like this.

  2. Ok that egg looks so real. That is wild! A pasta salad is perfect for summer and yours looks so delicious. Your meals are definitely inspiring me!

  3. That egg looks so realistic, that is absolutely wild! The pasta salad looks delicious, A perfect summer meal!

    1. Yes, so long as I gravitate toward cold foods, these a great cold foods! (Isn't it weird to see the egg looking so eggy and not being an egg?)


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