ECO Lunchbox Three-in-One #82

Homemade creamy dill dressing, bac'n pieces, a salad that ended up being mostly cucumbers with some lettuce, tomato, and onion, and a few slices of Amy's frozen vegan Margherita pizza.

I bought this pizza as a splurge and a kind of birthday present to myself, although I didn't cook it right away. It really fulfills the frozen pizza cravings I get sometimes.


  1. Ooh this meal looks so good. Do you eat the pizza cold or do you heat it> I never thought about bringing pizza in for lunch but this looks like a perfect meal. Yum! And pizza is a perfect birthday splurge.

    1. I've done both--cold and hot. For this I ate it at room temperature. I like it best warm, but not heated in the microwave--if I'm going to reheat it it needs to be done in a toaster oven. Otherwise it's good cold.

  2. Looks like a great lunch; I haven't had Amy's frozen pizza in a while!

    1. It's definitely a splurge but sometimes it's what you need!

  3. We don't get the vegan Amy's pizzas here unfortunately. We get the Daiya ones, but I don't like them. And occasionally we get Tofurky ones. But there is a new brand from a great pizza restaurant in Melbourne that now sells frozen pizzas, though very expensive! I have one in the freezer, waiting for its time.


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