Temari Rabbit 2-Tier Bento #112

My version of Carrot-Cucumber Salad with "Honey" Sesame Dressing, white rice, and Gardein's mandarin orange crispy chick'n with a scallion garnish.

I love this salad. It's so simple and yet it looks so impressive. And it goes so well with Asian food. I wasn't up to all I wanted to be this weekend, but Gardein stepped in for the rest. I'm glad I found it on sale--I do think it's too pricey to eat often at full price, but I dive in happily for an occasional treat when I can buy a bag for $3.25!


  1. This looks delicious and the salad sounds perfect! I'm definitely going to have to try it out. Gardein is such a great option for convenience but definitely a but on sale item. They have such great variety though and everything is so good!

    1. I felt pretty silly when I got the chicken wings and didn't like them much because they were too much like chicken wings! I never liked chicken wings much but with vegan food you never know.

      I hope you like the salad, if you try it!

  2. I agree! I usually only buy convenience faux meats when they are on sale and when I know I will be in a situation where I would like to have something comparable - such as a pot luck or something...or camping.

  3. I make a similar salad thing that’s all cucumber, it’s my go to side for any and all asian meals.
    Yay for sale gardein! I haven’t tried that one before, sounds the same as trader joe’s version (and actually might literally be the same, gardein makes the frozen chickenless tenders for TJs)

  4. This looks like such a great meal; I'll definitely have to try that salad sometime! I love grabbing Gardein on sale so I can have it when I'm not up for cooking!


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