Sequestration Meal #44

My order from Northeast Restaurant Direct included the smallest number of peppers I could get, but it was still more peppers than I would normally eat. But there is an easy solution to that: Stuffed peppers! This was a classic Italian sausage-style stuffed pepper (I made my own TVP Italian sausage crumbles and mixed them up with veggies, some spaghetti sauce, and cooked brown rice, then topped it with some non-dairy mozzarella). I had some mashed potatoes with it (because I have never wanted anything else on the side of a stuffed pepper) and broccoli (because I wanted a pop of green, since the pepper was red). Stuffed peppers are pretty easy, but I usually think peppers are slightly too pricey to eat a whole one at once. Restaurant supply makes that a non-issue. I see many variations on stuffed peppers in my future.


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