Sequestration Meal #683
I may be clearing the decks, but doing it with plenty of fresh produce is making it so much fun! Here, I have pearl couscous with mushrooms and spinach (recipe from The Fitchen), some yellow and orange peppers sauteed with onions, and lemon herb baked tofu (recipe from Connoiseurus Veg).
The couscous was better than I thought it was going to be! I used plain white mushrooms sliced up rather than the whole tiny ones, and I only had 5 cups of spinach on hand rather than 6, but it worked out fine. The one thing I'd change would be that I would cook the couscous in broth or salted water and use less--two cups of water for one cup of couscous was too much and I had to drain it.
The tofu was pretty great. I probably didn't need to cut it into triangles and could have just had slabs, but sometimes I want to be fancy.
Peppers and onions round out so many of my meals these days. It's one of the things that helps me boost my veggie intake. I'm amazed that I willingly make these for myself, given how hard it was to teach myself to eat peppers, once upon a time. I used to buy one and chop it up so finely it melted into whatever I put it in, so I wouldn't have to bite into a pepper. But that goes to show, we can change. I find that oddly comforting, which may be why I am eating so many peppers.
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