Sequestration Meal #300


A dinner made from determination more than motivation: Steamed broccoli, Trader Joe's cauliflower gnocchi, and garlic & herb marinated tofu (recipe at the Kitchn). When you're having a hard time, and you know food is important but you just...can't, something like this might work.

I cut a block of tofu into four thick steaks and marinated them overnight, flipping them after breakfast so they'd be evenly flavored. I baked the steaks that evening in my toaster oven because it is way too hot for having my actual oven on and because I needed my skillet to cook the gnocchi in. This was pretty low effort, although there is the ongoing issue of needing to do the dishes after cooking, which continues to daunt me a lot of the time.

The tofu was very lemony, and it made me feel better.

After I'd eaten the gnocchi and still had leftover tofu, for another meal, I cooked some ramen with some more broccoli, then cut up the leftover tofu steak and threw it in when the noodles were done.

I think I actually liked this better than the original meal. Ramen is remarkably soothing, and sometimes leftovers can surprise you.


  1. Clever use of leftover tofu!

    1. Thanks! The lemony flavor really went well with the noodles for some reason.


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