Sequestration Meal #154

 I had leftover spaghetti noodles, so I made a variation on corn and pasta salad (generally this very old recipe of mine with truly alarmingly bad photography, but veganized) with sides of cucumber slices seasoned with everything bagel seasoning and some vegan Cheese-Its (Earth Balance; no, they do not actually call them Cheese-Its but that's what this cracker is).

It's remarkable how well these crackers went with this pasta. (And why yes, I do crave carbs when I'm stressed, why do you ask?) It was a nice, cheesy crunch with the creamy, soothing pasta.

Cucumbers with everything bagel seasoning probably go with just about everything; isn't that the nature of everything bagel seasoning?


  1. Everything bagel seasoning isn't really a thing here, but it sounds so good. I know I have seen some recipes for making your own, so I really should try it. Sounds wonderful on cucumbers.

    1. It's kind of new-ish, so it's not surprising that it's not available in some other places. This recipe looks pretty on the nose to me:

  2. Looks like a fun meal! I'll have to try everything bagel seasoning on cucumber slices sometime!


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