Sequestration Meal #170

Continuing on in my use-it-up rather than hoard it theme for things I can't get anymore, I had the last of my Gardein Italian Saus'age in my freezer with some onions and peppers over rice.

The peppers are from my neighbor's garden, which was extra-nice. She wasn't sure about the quality, because some of the ones she'd picked for herself turned out badly, but I thought they were great! A pandemic bonus: My neighbor took up gardening and shared.


  1. Well, if you ask me, all capsicums are bad. ;) But I love that she has found a great way to both pass her time and share with those around her.

    1. I used to hate all peppers, too! I had to teach myself to eat them. I started teaching myself when I was about 27. Now I love them! Is there a story behind your aversion to peppers? I know it's well documented on your own blog!

    2. No story in particular. I just don't like the taste. I used to try and eat them here and there, but then they also started to make my tummy bloat up painfully, so now I shun them entirely.


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