Sequestration Meal #473


For some reason, I have been craving this very specific brown rice, carrot, and zucchini salad for weeks, and finally, I made it! Alongside it, I had some garlic dill chickpea salad, and some spinach with lemon tahini dressing and pickled onion. It was the perfect meal on a hot day.

The rice salad recipe is from Jane Doerfer's Going Solo in the Kitchen (1995), which is not a vegan cookbook, but it's an incidentally vegan recipe and one of my favorites. Because I can't find anything to change, I won't be giving you my version of it, but I can describe it if you want to try something similar. You start with a thick dressing of tahini, olive oil, and apple cider vinegar, which you toss with freshly cooked (still warm!) brown rice. Then, you add chopped scallions, raw zucchini, and celery and some finely shredded carrot, plus salt and pepper. It's so simple but it's divine.

The chickpea salad was one I based roughly on this recipe at The Pretty Bee. It was a fine, simple side, though of course I am still warming up to whole chickpeas, and probably would have enjoyed this more with some cannellini beans instead. But I wanted to make some hummus later, so chickpeas it was!

The spinach rounded out the meal with some greens, and the pickled onions made things beautiful and briny all at once.

And if you're observant, you'll see that this is yet another Top 8 Allergen Free meal! Go forth, and eat well.


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