What I Ate in a Day #19

I'm still having a rough time, but having looked through my food journals, I know one of the reasons is that I let stress get the best of my appetite, and so I hadn't been fueling myself properly. Stress + not making myself eat enough = bad news for me. So here we have a full day of trying extremely hard to eat well--enough protein, enough potassium, and in general enough.

I can usually manage to do pretty well at breakfast, so the first meal was pretty great! I had a banana with homemade blueberry syrup, orange juice, JUST Egg scrambled with spinach, tomato slices, some Field Roast maple sausage links, and a slice of whole wheat toast with margarine (I Can't Believe It's Not Butter vegan spread).

Having fortified myself with breakfast, I packed a pretty good lunch, too.

More buttered toast (margarined toast? You tell me); a simple salad of romaine, red onion and shredded carrot with some homemade dressing I had in the fridge (essentially vegan ranch); and leftover corn chowder. This worked well; I actually enjoyed my lunch (sort of) and spent some time with nature outside, because I've been eating outside more than in my car lately at work.

Dinner was a standby for me: Spicy peanut butter ramen. Not only is it extremely quick and easy (and cheap, to boot!), I can always be persuaded to eat the whole bowl. With dinner, as per my usual pattern, I had a multivitamin and an algae-based DHA supplement.

But because I've been having some trouble maintaining my weight lately, I knew I needed more on this day, and so I had a dessert later that evening. It was quite dark out, so this is not a great photograph.

These are two chocolate-covered chocolate sandwich cookies I found in the kosher section (they're vegan!) and a cup of vanilla nut Teeccino mixed with a bit of soy milk. I've found that about 1/4 cup of sweetened soy milk is the best amount to add to a cup of fresh-brewed Teeccino, for me; it gets the ratio just right.

And sure, we can always do better, but all things considered, this was a pretty great day (at least in terms of food).


  1. This looks like a good day of food. I have been struggling a bit with food as well at the moment, more just with motivation to make anything. I have the house to myself this week, and it has been a bit of an effort to make myself make food. Often I use time alone to make a lot of recipes that involve tempeh, as my parents don't like it, but this time I am mostly keeping things low key and easy. Lots of sandwiches!


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