10 Vegan Breakfast Ideas (Compilation #65)

I was so relieved when summer drew to an end. Summer 2024 was a hot, miserable one for me. So possibly before it was strictly necessary, I put aside my summery foods in favor of autumnal delights. It's apple season, and I live in apple country, so you'll see apples here a lot alongside other things!

1. Oat Scones with Dried Cherries (Gluten Free, Nut Free)

I've been enjoying going into old, physical cookbooks again, and that was where I found this recipe--in the Big Book of Vegetarian from 2005. It's a simple mixture of oat flour, applesauce, baking powder, sugar, salt, and soy milk that you knead with dried cherries and rolled oats, then bake until set and slightly browned. I had some dried cherries from who knows when, and despite falling off the use-it-up wagon here and there I mostly have been pretty good at trying to get through these not-a-staple foods, so it was perfect. I had this with a side of banana with nut butter, some orange juice, and a soy latte. It was a great way to start a morning!

2. Sweet Potato Cinnamon Roll Muffins (Nut Free)

You know I love a muffin. I had half a sweet potato hanging around, and I am still in the phase where I get excited about using the oven (finally!), so I made a half-batch of this recipe I found at Hello Spoonful. Unlike most of the baked goods I make, this one tastes much better after you let the muffins cool, but once you do? That brown sugar cinnamon surprise lurking inside is amazing!

3. Apple Blondies (Soy Free, Nut Free)

To be fair, most people would call this dessert--but I don't usually have room for dessert, so I tend to have my desserts for breakfast with some soy milk to balance things out. This is a recipe from Bianca Zapatka. I have rarely liked anything I have made more than I liked these! They have the strongest apple taste of any baked good ever, and the fudgy texture is super addictive. I wish I'd had some caramel sauce to take it over the edge, but at the same time, that seemed like it was maybe a bit much first thing in the morning.

4. Banana Pistachio Cream Crepes

You need a very good nonstick skillet for making crepes, but if you have one, you can open up a delicious world! I made the crepes themselves with this recipe from Full of Plants. Be forewarned: The batter needs to have a significant resting time, so I personally think it makes the most sense to mix the batter the night before. I made these crepes in part because I'd just bought pistachio cream, which is like a non-chocolatey Nutella and so wonderful and delicious that I immediately wanted to put it in everything. Here, banana slices and pistachio cream both fill and garnish the crepe. I have rarely enjoyed my breakfast more! To round out the proteins, I had this with a soy latte.

5. Cream Cheese, Avocado, and Veggie Sandwich

Is your avocado veggie sandwich needing a bit of a protein boost? I've got something that may work. (I am not a medical doctor; seek advice from yours about what you should eat.) Spread two slices of multigrain toast with this tofu, cashew, and miso cream cheese recipe from Okonomi Kitchen. Add slices of tomato, cucumber, red onion, and avocado. Season with salt and pepper. Eat with a mug of hot tea for breakfast bliss.

6. Tahini "Honey" Toast with Apple, Rosemary, and Salt (Nut Free, Soy Free)

Salt and apples are a match made in heaven. This I already knew. But when I found the recipe for this toast at Will Frolic for Food, I was intrigued by the other items in the suggested combination. I had some vegan honey on hand, so I mixed that with the tahini. I added this pretty apple, sesame seeds, flaky salt, and some fresh rosemary. I was skeptical of the rosemary, which is why I only added a bit, but wow, that was fantastic! I hardly ever have fresh rosemary around, but I like to have herby recipes around for when I do splurge on fresh things. This is a recipe I'm going to remember, for sure.

7. Apricot Turmeric Chia Pudding (Gluten Free, Nut Free)

Sometimes, you just need a chia pudding. I had bought some canned apricots ages ago with the intent to make this recipe from Chelsea Amer Nutrition, and just finally got around to it. As per my usual pattern, I blended everything up and then let it set, because I don't easily handle the texture of whole chia seeds. It wasn't sweet enough for my liking, so I added some agave. When ready to eat, I topped it with some non-dairy yogurt and a few apricot halves. It was a tasty, no-fuss way to start the day, and brought summer fruit into the fall (even if it is in cans). If you love apricots like me, here's a way to have them year-round!

8. Apple Baked Oatmeal with Chocolate and Ginger (Gluten Free)

This is an easily veganized recipe from Eat Love Eats. I used Bob's Red Mill egg replacer and soy milk to make it vegan. I thought I had crystallized ginger and did not, so I had to leave that out. But it turned out great anyway! Chocolate goes well with apples, but we don't see it turn up with apples as much as we do with berries. In fall, though, it's perfect. I loved this with some non-dairy yogurt and a soy latte in the morning.

9. Lemon Rosemary Pancakes (Nut Free)

The reason one sliver of this looks lighter is that the maple syrup had soaked in on the other side; if I were paying enough attention to aesthetics, I would have either put the maple syrup on after the photo, or I would have put maple syrup on more evenly, but let's not focus on the wrong things here. I have on this plate one of my favorite pancake recipes I've ever tried: the vegan lemon rosemary pancakes at Labeless Nutrition. (I was really trying to get my money's worth out of that fresh rosemary, and after the apple toast, I was feeling brave.) I think it's probably the lemon extract that elevates this beyond other lemon pancakes I've made, and the rosemary adds another intriguing dimension of flavors. I made this with soy milk and white whole wheat flour, for what that's worth, and topped my pancakes with maple syrup, lemon zest, and a bit of fresh rosemary. To balance the protein in this meal, I had some tofu scramble on the side.

10. Cranberry-Pear Yogurt Bowl (Gluten Free, Soy Free)

When cranberries showed up in the produce section again, you know I snapped them up! For this, you start with some cranberry-pear relish (recipe from Rabbit & Wolves) and almond milk yogurt in a small bowl. Top it with finely chopped pecans. It's seasonal, sweet, and full of texture contrasts. Plus, look at that amazing color! I'm overselling this, but I loved it.

What are you eating for breakfasts on these newly crisp, chilly mornings?


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