Dinner Plate #4


With possible-to-use the oven weather, comes bad evening lighting for food photography. Ah, the irony...

Anyway, this is cheesy vegan broccoli and potato casserole (recipe from I Love Vegan) with yellow squash, green beans, and some sliced Tofurky sausage with caramelized onions.

I used red potatoes rather than gold in the casserole, because that's what my store had available. (Seriously, they can't seem to keep yellow potatoes in stock.) It wasn't as delicious as I'd hoped, especially given how much trouble it was, but I think it would be great if made with rice and maybe some mushrooms. I might experiment with that at some point. I also think I should have added more salt. But hindsight is better than foresight sometimes, and more salt when serving did the trick.

I also couldn't get bell peppers, which is what I'd hoped to have with my sausages, but onions did good things here. I knew the star would be the casserole, which is made with soy milk so it has some good proteins, but I wanted at least some extra protein. So sausage is a side here, but it does the job! And I loved the onions, cooked low and slow for a little over an hour while the casserole was in the oven.

This is a messy plate photographed in the dark, but still a good dinner. We can't have everything all the time!


  1. The trade off of cooler weather is crappy lighting and I've definitely been struggling with that too 😅 such a bummer it wasn't that good because it looks delicious! Was the sauce good at least? I've been looking for a good cheese sauce recipe for stuffed baked potatoes.

    1. I can't really fault the recipe because I think it would be better with the yellow potatoes. But the sauce was good--not as good as the cheddar recipe at Veganosity, but nothing is! It just needed more salt. So much more salt.


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