Monbento Square #44 (Double Tier)


There are few meals that call for this double-tiered bento box, given its size, but every so often I am justified in owning both tiers, and this was one of those times. I have here the makings of a vegan Caesar salad (recipe from Tasting to Thrive), toast, avocado, and mango salsa (recipe from Cookie and Kate).

This salad used up some sunflower seeds I needed to use (for the dressing) and although I wouldn't say it has that much resemblance to what I remember Caesar salad being like, it was really good! I also appreciated a salad with so much protein heft to it from the chickpeas and the dressing. I'll be playing around with more sunflower seed-based salad dressings. They're so much cheaper than cashews, after all.

I kind of made mango salsa avocado toast with the other tier; if you've not tried that combination, you really should. It's delcious.


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