Sequestration Meal #558


I've been making a lot of Korean-ish meals lately, so I decided to make something Chinese-ish for this week's rice-and-sides type offering. I had some carrot and celery slaw and pickled cabbage, so I included them along with my rice, JUST Egg and tomato stir fry, and bok choy and mushroom stir fry (from Omnivore's Cookbook, ironically).

This was all so good! I know tomatoes aren't in season, but the rest of my produce is. I am not always a big fan of bok choy but I loved how this turned out. I would note, however, that bok choy can get very dirty and gritty, so I spent kind of a long time scrubbing mine. But it's worth it to me in part because bok choy is just so cute. I left the dried chili out of the recipe because I didn't have it and because the tomato-egg dish is seasoned with sriracha, and it was fine--just a nice, deep savory flavor.

That JUST Egg recipe remains one of my nostalgic favorites, too.

This may look like a messy plate and I could probably have done a lot better with the plating if I'd used a different container, but once I got started I just plunged on. What is nice, though, is how many colors I have here--lately I've been really trying to represent a lot of colors in my food.


  1. I love how colourful your food can be. And those are some adorable baby bok choy. I normally just chop mine up, which makes cleaning them a lot easier, but is not as nice to look at. I was just thinking the other day about roasting some baby bok choy halves, though the cleaning of them made me feel tired.


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