What I Ate in a Day #40 (With a Bonus Day!)

 This is actually what I hate in two days, but they were very similar, so I put them in one post. These were kind of hard days for me, but I still took care of myself as well as I could.

Day 1


Let's clear out the fridge a bit, shall we? Here we have some toasted seedy bread with vegan mayo, a slice of tomato, and most of the end of a container of olive tapenade; spice tea with soy milk; and chocolate chickpea pudding with cherries and non-dairy yogurt. I'll say more about chocolate chickpea pudding in a future post; suffice it to say, it's now one of my favorite things to make with a leftover half a can of chickpeas. It involves a bit of banana and peanut butter along with other things, and it's one of the most pleasant ways to get a boost of protein in the morning. I've been experimenting with different toppings for it, and this vanilla yogurt is one of my favorites.


I had lunch at home on this day, so it was another chance to clear stuff out. I had one fluffy pita left, so I toasted that, and topped it with some mayo, the very end of that aforementioned olive tapenade, sliced tomato, lettuce, red onion, shredded carrots, and the end of some marinated tofu. This was messier than intended and I ate it with a knife and fork, but it was delicious.


I had almost no appetite for dinner, but I managed to get in a small bowl of dumpling soup.  It was somehow soothing, despite my lack of interest in food.

Not pictured, I had, as per my usual fashion, herbal tea and my daily supplements: a multivitamin, a Vitamin D capsule, turmeric, and algae-based DHA.

Day 2


I probably could have had fruit at breakfast, but at this point I was just too sluggish to want to cut or peel anything, so I had more chickpea pudding (which does have banana in it at least!), some non-dairy yogurt, spice tea with soy milk, and seedy toast with almond butter and sweet potato butter. It's very brown, but it was tasty.


For lunch, I packed the last of my veggie and dumpling soup. I also packed a granola bar, which I did not photograph. It was a good lunch.


For dinner, I had one of my favorite things to make when I don't have leftovers around: A vegan version of a Big Mac with some sort of potatoes and ketchup. To make the vegan "Big Mac," I don't bother with two burger patties or anything, I just make the Big Mac sauce (recipes abound, but it's essentially vegan mayo, a bit of mustard, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, and sweet pickle relish) and put that on a toasted bun with finely chopped onions, shredded lettuce, a beef-style veggie burger (here, a Wegmans Don't Have a Cow patty), and non-dairy American cheese. Unlike McDonald's, I also let the cheese melt by putting it in the toaster oven on top of the burger patty for the last couple of minutes of cooking.

My potatoes are also toaster-oven baked "crispy" fries from my freezer.

Fortunately, unlike my last burger, this one didn't make me sick. The Wegmans patties are the more old-fashioned type of vegan beefy burger that aren't full of coconut oil, so they are much easier for me to digest. I hope such things will always be available for those of us who aren't as interested in the newer, more "authentic" style varieties.

Again, though not pictured, I had herbal tea and my daily supplements on this day: a multivitamin, a Vitamin D capsule, turmeric, and algae-based DHA.


  1. Two very delicious days of meals! You did an excellent job of nourishing yourself despite not feeling your best. I am absolutely intrigued by the chickpea chocolate pudding and look forward to reading about it in a future post! Hope you're feeling better 💜


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