Sequestration Meal #574


I was having one of those low-appetite days, so practically nothing sounded good to me. But I do like to make colorful food, after which I'm usually convinced to try some, so here we have mushrooms, red bell pepper and onion sauté, carrots, and penne with an herb "butter" sauce and asparagus (recipe from The Vegan Atlas). I used the Barilla protein penne, and adjusted the rest of my day to balance things out, so this was fine.

This was just right for me on this day. I love a big plate/bowl of assorted veggies, and this simple pasta went well with the other things. It's not the meal I would make on a day I was feeling really hungry, but I've learned to work with myself, and I know the hungry days will come. I love the protein pastas, though, for giving me a way to sneak more protein in on days I can't bear to think about such things.


  1. Impressive work for a non hungry day! When my appetite is being funky I normally just end up with PB cliffbars and hommus on toast.

    1. I'd have to make the hummus or buy the Cliff bars, so I guess I'm stuck either way...


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