Sequestration Meal #580


Easy food that still achieves a lot of my (probably unreasonable) goals: Mashed potatoes with some melted vegan butter on top, Tofurky sausages sauteed with peppers and onions, and sauteed green beans an mushrooms (recipe from Fork in the Kitchen).

This got the job done! I wasn't feeling well when I made this and probably shouldn't have pushed as hard as I did. But hey, sometimes, I don't make the best choices.

This was pretty good. I had bought the frozen green beans for a soup recipe and they were great in that, but I was less enthusiastic about them this way. If you have tips for how to cook frozen green beans so they don't end up spurting water when you bite into them, please share them. I found the leftovers were pretty great so I'm wondering if I should thaw frozen green beans first. Thoughts?

Still, it was, as I say, pretty good. Sometimes, that's more than enough.


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