ECO Lunch Box Three-in-One #102


A basic bento; I've done a thousand variations on this, I'm sure! I have Hippeas chickpea puffs, some mini chocolate mint cookies, a segmented Clementine, cucumber slices, a little chicky cup with everything bagel seasoning, and pinwheels made of tortillas, an improvisational non-dairy cream cheese spread, Spanish olives with pimentos, spinach, and Tofurky.

This meal was pretty much just a "use it up" bento, though I had just been to the store so I had fresh spinach and cucumber. I go to the store on a schedule, so sometimes I still have use-it-up meals that incorporate some fresher produce. But that works, too! I've made these pinwheels without spinach and they taste good but are lacking in both the texture and the pretty color that spinach brings along. 


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