Sequestration Meal #494


I had about 3/4 of a cup of arborio rice hanging around and didn't want to buy more, so to use it up I did some complicated math to cut down my favorite risotto recipe, this pumpkin risotto with peas from Eating by Elaine. Because I don't think I've been doing great with protein lately, I wanted to layer some more in, so I had a side salad with a homemade hummus dressing using the jalapeno cilantro hummus you saw in a recent packed lunch post.

The salad is baby spinach, cucumber, tomato, black olives, and pickled onion; the dressing is hummus with a bit more tahini added along with some lemon juice and water. This salad worked out pretty well, though it wasn't my absolute favorite thing ever.

I do, however, adore this risotto; it's so easy and delicious. I should probably start treating it as a side rather than a main dish, all things considered, so I get to have it more often.

This meal will be free of all major allergens so long as the vegan butter you use isn't soy or nut based. Earth Balance's soy free formula is an option. Go forth, and eat well!


  1. I made risotto for the first time in ages this week. It was a red pesto risotto. I love a pumpkin risotto though.

    1. I've never made red pesto but I've long been intrigued by it!

    2. It was good, but not as red as I thought it would be. LOL I made it for Beltane, so I'll be posting about it soon!


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