Sequestration Meal #501


This is a bit of a story. Since this is just the story of a meal and not me trying to give you a recipe, I hope you'll indulge me--although I would say, too, that you could probably make this after reading the story, which is a bit paradoxical in some respects.

Before I was vegan, friends and I occasionally made the trek to what is advertised to be the "oldest continuously family-owned pizza restaurant in the United States," and whose claim to fame is less about its age (110 years old now) and more about its unusual sauce. Although you can get your more familiar tomato-based sauce there (i.e., a "tomato pie" in the name of the place--Papa's Tomato Pies), you can also get the mysterious "mustard pie."

The mustard they use is spicy brown mustard, and from what I remember it was delicious. But as I was making my way through my bottle of Miyoko's liquid pizza cheese--incidentally, that really is worth the money, because it comes to less than $1/pizza for the cheese at the rate I am using it--I wondered if I could take a page from Papa's book and put a different (and vegan) twist on it. And thus, here we have a cheeseburger pizza.

It starts with my usual homemade crust, spread with yellow mustard. On top of that I put some TVP ground beef I'd made and sauteed with onions. Then, I added sliced tomato, red onion that hadn't been cooked with the TVP, and the Miyoko's mozzarella.

After baking, I topped the pizza with sliced dill pickle and some homemade vegan Bic Mac sauce.

This was one of the best things I've ever come up with! And if you want to give it a try, here are some recipes that may help:

I hope I haven't bored all of you with all this pizza lately! But I've had fun with it. And there is more pizza to come, probably. There's still cheese left. So let's see what comes next!


  1. Oooh! I have made cheeseburger pizza before but never used mustard as the base! I love this idea.

    1. I don't usually put mustard on my burgers (I'm into mayo), but on pizza? It's amazing.


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