Sequestration Meal #616


One sometimes has a lot less energy, and dumping stuff in a slow cooker is what sounds like the best idea. So this recipe for slow cooker vegan chicken and rice from Plant Power Couple was really appealing on a day I was particularly tired. I had it with some steamed French green beans and some sauteed radishes.

The rice needed a few more cups of water to be added here and there, and took approximately 90 minutes longer to cook than the original recipe. I take partial responsibility for the time, because  I keep my brown rice in my freezer, and so it probably took more time to get up to temperature, but that wouldn't explain the liquid issue. Oh, well; it turned out fine--not the best thing I've ever eaten, but not bad. I used leftover ramen seasoning packets rather than the homemade "chicken" bouillon powder, though, so we'll see. (I will definitely be trying that out, as saving money on food is the name of the game these days).

Radishes and I are getting along so much better these days--and that's kind of a win, I think!


  1. I have something in my slow cooker right now, for the first time in so long. But I wanted something homemade, but didn't have the energy to cook, so slow cooker to the rescue. I must remember to use it more.

    1. I want a smaller slow cooker (so I don't have to make things in huge batches), and it annoys me when things don't get cooked in time, but it really can be so much nicer sometimes.


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