Sequestration Meal #369


Time-consuming but pretty easy food: Some Tofurky ham, mashed potatoes, and braised cabbage with carrots and onions (easily veganized recipe from

It was hard to photograph this, given that we are headed into the season of darkness here, but I did my best. Tofurky ham is great but it's never as good this first time around as it is when I have it left over to chop up and put into things. Will I make a casserole? A breakfast bake? A scramble? Onigirazu? Soup? A world of possibilities awaits, if I have the energy to meet up to them. That's always the problem!


  1. Looks good! We never got the Tofurky ham here, only the ham-style deli slices. And we don't even have them since Tofurky recently stopped being stocked in Australia due to a supply chain issue in the US. Such sadness.

    1. We have a lot of supply chain issues. It's a bit frightful out there.


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