ECO Lunchbox Three-in-One #91


This is an improvisational peanutty rice salad, avocado, some Cocomels salted caramel bites, and a fruit salad (banana, oranges, and raspberries).

It was truly a successful use of leftover rice! Just a basic peanut sauce--peanut butter, soy sauce, rice vinegar, garlic powder, fresh ginger, some chili-garlic sauce, and some water to thin it all--mixed with leftover steamed rice, chopped cucumber, shredded carrot, and chopped scallions. I topped the whole thing with some chopped peanuts. I know I've done this before (peanut rice) but I think I ate it warm. I can now testify that it is also good at room temperature.

The raspberries were a bit of rebelliousness, somehow. When I'm in a dark place I seem to revolt against logic and buy things like pricey, out-of-season fruit. They were really good raspberries, though, and there are worse things one can do to oneself.

If you're looking for gluten free options, incidentally, this lunch is one.


  1. Sometimes you just need to buy the fun fancy fruit!
    The peanut rice sounds really good, you have definitely helped me become more creative with leftovers or putting bits and pieces of things together to make something amazing.

    1. Hooray! Leftovers are the beginning of something new, sometimes.

  2. What an amazing meal! That Peanut Sauce sounds great and everything looks wonderful! Now I'm hungry! LOL :)


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